Making a little Halloween Shrine!

A really simple but fun little project to do. Perfect for a rainy afternoon. You don't need much in the way of materials just a shrine kit, some sharpie pens, scissors, pva glue. I bought this little Halloween Shrine kit from They do a great range of Halloween themed wooden shapes perfect for craft projects and card making.

The shrine is very easy to put together as it is a straight forward box shape and already cut to slot together. I cut and glued some paper onto the large back panel, the part I wanted inside my shrine. The paper I used was bought at The Range.

I glued paper on the underneath of the top for a ceiling, and bottom for a floor. I didn't bother papering the sides as I liked the look of the wood. Plus once the front is added these parts will not really show. I then glued it altogether and left it to dry for an hour.

The front of my shrine I decorated using sharpie pens. I drew on bricks and shaded it in with a grey pen.

I then used a green pen to add a verdigris roof.
I then glued the front onto the box shrine.

I now added various painted wooden shapes which I glued on again using pva glue. I added highlights by using a silver pen.

The finished shrine with little Witches!

The tiny witches where made by my dear friend Jenny Kelm of Kastlekelm miniatures

I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial I hope to bring you more Halloween themed tutorials over the next two months.

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