Sizzix 'Tim Holtz' Halloween thinlits and Bigz dies 2019 and new Kat 'How to make'
Hi everyone, well I am back to the world of blogging. I may have been a bit quiet lately this years,as some of you know, has been a little challenging! But I am now feeling enthused and full of ideas.
Last week I visited some rather cool places on my quest to find more information and stories on Witches and folktales, which I promise I will get organised and do some articles on those soon. I have also started a few 'how to make' tutorials to get you all in the Halloween mood! Yes I know it's July but Halloween is every day in my world lol!
To kick start my tutorials I shall be doing some 'how to makes' using some of the new Sizzix thinlits and Bigz dies by Tim Holtz. I am quite a big fan of Mr Holtz as he has an eye for alternative crafting which I totally approve of and the Sizzix bigz dies are my particular favourite as you can use them to cut other materials such a thick card, felt and even thin metal! Which opens the door to more creativity in mixed media crafts and sewing not just card making. Not there is anything wrong with card making! As my friend's will tell you I do tinker in making them, as they get often get Kat made cards...poor things! (giggles).
Anyway my first 'How to make' will be using the skull and cross bones bigz die which has arrived on my doorstep as we speak! Ooooooooooooo!
The new die cutters, including Christmas ones, are now coming into stock and available from good craft stores and directly from Sizzix.
Also please visit Tim Holtz website for a back catalogue of fabulous Halloween and steampunk inspired ideas, tutorials and product information.
The new range of Tim Holtz Halloween thinlits and bigz dies
Please note I do not get any financial benefits from mentioning any products or places on my blog. I wish eh! Lol!