The Legend of Jenny Greentooth!
For a couple of years I have been looking onto local folklore with more interest. I have always been interested in folklore, witches, ancient stories especially around the UK and near to where I live. Over the past few years I have been particularly interested in The Witches of Guilsborough and a off shoot story of Pells pool. Where it is reported many years ago of a legend of a creature or woman who lured people to their death in the pond. Interested in this tale before the first covid lockdown I visited the area connected with The Guilsborough witches and the site where Pells pool might have originally been. I am still doing research on this and hope to post findings soon. But with lockdown one and two keeping me at home I have been researched online looking into this legend further as I did I found similar legends of pool witches including the famous Jenny or Ginny Greentooth. I was so inspired I wrote a poem and have been doing some artwork, I will post these here soon. Then as luck would have it a lady I follow on YouTube called Anna Brigwell released a wonderful vlog on Jenny Greentooth! Please visit Anna's YouTube channel for this fab telling of the tale and also for her other postings on folklore which are fascinating!