Guilsborough Witches.

My deepest respect and sympathy to the Guilsborough witches who sadly and tragically lost their lives today in 1612.

Many innocent people sadly lost their lives through being accused of being a 'witch' and performing 'Witchcraft'!

From the 15th to the 18th century a terrifying panic of fear spread throughout many towns and villages in Britain, Europe and indeed across the world. The fear of Witches, Witchcraft and the Devil! Neighbours turned against neighbours, family against family! No one was safe from being accused or being bewitched by witches! 

Most of the people accused of 'Witchcraft' were women, women had little rights until shockingly quite recently so were easy targets! Most of the men accused were often close family members of the 'witch' such as a brother or a father. These women were targeted because of other people's prejudices, ignorance, misunderstandings, greed and hate! Most of the women were poor, elderly, and socially awkward, though some upper class widows were targeted because they were rich, powerful and owned land! Often targeted by a spurned suitor or jealous family member!  It was indeed a very dark time in history for all, especially women! 

As with all historical subjects its really worth researching online. Here is a few interesting articles I found online. 

Please visit this link for more information on the Guilsborough Witches 

There is also a good general article on Witchcraft on the BBC website

The law of British Witchcraft can be found even on Parliament website

And more information here.


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