Historical event apology for those accused of Witchcraft in Scotland.


An illustration from Newes From Scotland 1591, a pamphlet that publicized ongoing witch trials in North Berwick, Scotland, across Europe. Groups of accused women are depicted brewing spells to thwart James VI's ship (upper left), and a local schoolmaster is shown taking notes from the devil. Info from British Library. 

Zoe Venditozzi and Claire Mitchell QC of 'Witches of Scotland' went to Edinburgh for IWD2022 to listen to the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon grant an official apology to all those 4000 or so people, mostly women, who were accused of witchcraft - the first time in Scottish history that an apology had been tendered to all those who were accused. 

For podcast of yesterday historical even please visit. 

Please also visit their main website for detailed information on the history of Scotland's Witchcraft trials and their campaign to get a pardon, an apology and memorial to those persecuted. Please also sign up for updates.


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