Best Wishes to you all this May Day.

Best wishes to you all this Mayday and for the upcoming Mayday bank holiday weekend.
Beltane blessings to you all.


I have fond memories of celebrating May Day as a child. Often I would attend local fetes and fairs. Some would be just little local church hall fairs with stalls selling nic-nacs, homemade jams and cakes. Others were more elaborate with fairground attractions and a parade of decorated floats including one with the chosen May Queen. These fairs would also have live bands playing accompanied by colourful Morris Dancers and the main feature of a May Pole and May Poler Dancers.
I have actually participated in May Pole Dancing I say participated when I May Pole danced I managed to get myself 'ribboned' to the May Pole! I am not the world greatest dancer!๐Ÿคฃ 

Whilst researching May Day and Beltane I found some lovely May Day celebration images and photographs. I don't know the stories behind these particular images but I hope you enjoy them and can sense the excitement and joy the May Day celebrations brought to these people many years ago. I also found some interesting articles, links further down the page. 
'Enjoy and Beltane blessings to you all'

Please visit these links to interesting articles on May Day, Beltane and the May Queen.

How to May Pole Dance!

Back again soon, please join me on Wednesday for more Witchy Wednesday articles.
Kat Hazelton of

Some website links listed may contain Adult material which may not be suitable for children so I would advise visiting them before showing or allowing access to younger viewers.


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