Please support the 'Witches of Scotland' .
Witches of Scotland is a campaign for justice; for a legal pardon, an apology and national monument for the thousands of people – mostly women - that were convicted of witchcraft and executed between 1563 and 1736 in Scotland.
Please visit their website here for more details
Or visit and sign the petition directly from the link below. You can either be public or private in your support.
We tend to view Witches as fairytale characters in books and films. But sadly there was a time in both Scotland, England and across Europe when people lost their lives accused of witchcraft! We need to free their names and give respect back to those families tarnish with these lies. Accusations of witchcraft sadly still continues in some parts of the world so it's really important in this age of enligtenmenr to make a stand against such out of date and unfounded predudice. |
Proposed Witchcraft Convictions (Pardons) (Scotland) Bill
A proposal for a Bill to pardon all those convicted under the Witchcraft Act 1563.
The consultation runs from 23 June 2022 to 15 September 2022
All those wishing to respond to the consultation are strongly encouraged to enter their responses electronically through this survey.