Witchy Wednesday....The Winsor Witches
The Winsor Witches..........
On the 28th of February 1579 four elderly women from Winsor were hanged at Abingdon accused as Witches ..
The above image of a witch, probably Elizabeth Stile, and her familiar spirit, including a cat, rat and toad! As taken from the publication 'A rehearsall both straung and true, of hainous and horrible actes committed by Elizabeth Stile, alias Rockingham, Mother Dutten, Mother Deuell, Mother Margaret, Fower ( meaning four) notorious witches'
Published in 1579
Please also visit this link for a informative posting about Elizabeth and her familiars!
Because some folklore stories can be quite scary and disturbing with some adult content I would always advise visiting, reading and viewing links before showing or reading to younger children.