Making a miniature Maypole

 Merlin blessing the Maypole

How to make a miniature Maypole 

You will need a stick, a large holed steampunk cog, ribbons or braids, a metal crown and a wooden base.

Glue the cog to the top of your chosen stick, I used a driftwood stick. 

Then glue on your crown on top of your cog for decoration. Leave glue to set.

Once dried tie on your chosen ribbons or braids. I did six, what ever you do I would recommend an even number. I left the little tie offs for decoration. I glued my Maypole into a wood slice pendant that actually had a hole already for hanging as a pendant. But you could drill a hole. 

Then for ornamental effect wrap your ribbons around the pole or you could try some mini Maypole dancing though I recommend a few pairs of hands for this! ๐Ÿคฃ❤️


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