Congratulations! Petition reaches over 10,000!


Congratulations they have reached over 10,000 signatures. 

Thank you so much for signing and sharing. 

Please do keep up the good work!  It would be great to add a few more signatures before the end date of the 13th. 

Remember signing not only shows that we care about those who were wrongly accused of witchcraft but also that the truth is worth fighting for. Even those without a voice can get justice through the help of others.

 Petition is now closed at 13,157 signatures

Sadly the likes of Anne, Joane and Ellen and thousand of others like them were accused and sentenced to banishment or death because of accusations of witchcraft. These people and their families lives were destroyed because of prejudice, greed, and hate. 
Lets hope over time they will receive justice and people will remember them as victims not villains!

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