Welcome to Spring! A Witchy Wednesday article.

 Welcome to Spring! 


At last we are both meteorologically and astrologically in Spring! 

The beautiful hues of pink and white blossom is appearing across the land as are new fresh green shoots and the arrival of spring flowers. The birds are busy making nests and farmers are welcoming the birth of new livestock  and are busy tending their fields. 

Blackthorn blossom in my garden. 
When this arrives I alway's know it is Springtime again. 

From tomorrow the daylight hours start to take over shorten the dark evenings of winter and replacing them with light evenings of springtime. So we can all look forward to sitting in the garden and having evening walks in the sunlight again. 


Ostara is a Pagan solar holiday honoring the spring’s warmth, light from the sun, and the awakening of the earth. Pagan celebrations during this holiday have themes of balance, renewal and rebirth. The symbols of Ostara are spring flowers, fairies, butterflies, rabbits and eggs. The colors of Ostara are pastels, yellow, orange, lavender and green.


The first day of spring in the UK astronomically occurs on the vernal equinox, 20 March 2024. But did you know there are actually three main definitions for the season coming from astronomy, meteorology and phenology?

Please visit the Royal Museums Greenwich for the full article.


A couple of years ago I made this Springtime mixed media scene for Calico Craft Parts of Hares frolicking in the snowdrops.
Please visit this link for the full tutorial.

Springtime blessings to you all x

Back soon ........ remember to pop by on Wednesday for my Witchy Wednesday articles! 

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