Northamptonshire Witch Trails

The Northamptonshire witch trials took place in 1612, and five people were executed for witchcraft on July 22 of that year:

Helen Jenkinson: Accused of bewitching cattle, Jenkinson was pricked and found to have the "Devil's Mark" on her body.

Mary Barber of Stanwick: Accused of bewitching cattle and a man to death, Barber was described as having "mean parents" and being "monstrous and hideous both in her life and actions".

Arthur Bill of Raunds: Accused of bewitching a mother and daughter to death, as well as cattle, Bill's mother also accused sadly killed herself in prison.

Agnes Browne of Guilsborough: The mother of Joan Vaughan.

Joan Browne/Vaughan of Guilsborough: The daughter of Agnes Browne. 

These poor people and many more in England, Scotland and across Europe were accused and convicted as Witches. It was so easy during these dark times to point the finger of blame at someone for failed crops, illness and even death and blame it on Witchcraft rather than accepting that things like this just happened through natural means. The knowledge of science and medicine was in its early stages and religion sadly played it's terrible part in convincing it's followers that demons, witches and other ungodly creatures existed!

It was so easy to blame a member of a village or town of Witchcraft. People who were 'different', disabled or in many cases female and unmarried were easy targets! Many were accused by neighbours and in some cases accused by family members in the heat of arguments! Most with little or no evidence other than hear say and outlandish gossip! 

Most of the people, mostly women, who were accused and convicted came from poor background though there are some stories of middle to upper class women having the finger of suspicion pointed at them! Mostly as it was a way of repressing them or getting their money and land! Especially if they refused to marry or had spurned a sutor! 

Thank goodness over time and enlightenment of science and medical research the idea of Witches and Witchcraft began to be deemed as outdated and ridiculous though it still astonishing that during the 20th Century the UK government still was passing laws about Witchcraft. Please visit this link for an in-depth article about the law and Witchcraft.

Thankfully in the UK witchcraft trials are now safely tucked away in our history books but sadly the accusations of Witchcraft are still going on in many countries across the world. Innocent people are still being accused and in some cases are still losing their lives accused of using Witchcraft and being Witches! In a world of science, medical knowledge, the internet, Film and TV, books, Halloween festivals where kids dress up and eat spooky sweets it's hard to believe anyone on this planet would still believe that anyone could possess the power to wilt crops or cause death by magical powers! But sadly they still do.  This is one of the reasons I believe we should make sure we keep telling the history of Witches and Witchcraft so that upcoming generations understand about the past and make sure these terrible trials of misjustice never happen again. 

For those innocent people who lives were taken accused of Witchcraft we remember you. 

Rest in peace. 

Another interesting article

On a lighter note 'good news' Witchy Wednesday is returning next Wednesday the 31st of July. 

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