Witch Bottles, a Witchy Wednesday article.

Witchy Wednesday's is back!

Thank you for all your kind messages saying how much you enjoyed 'Kat's Witches Gallery' I promise to do some more soon. But I am even more delighted on the positive feedback on how much you were looking forward to Witchy Wednesday's returning. It's so lovely that you all enjoy my little natterings here on my blog and also via my Instagram page.  

Just to let you know I recently renamed my Instagram from 'Witchkraftingwithkat'  to Kat_hazelton. My new name on Instagram makes it easy for my family and friends to find me and using my name makes better sense as I like to share many of my interests on it including my love of folklore, sci-fi, crafting, mycology and gardening.

To join me on Instagram please either scan this image or visit this link ๐Ÿ”— 


Now back to Witchy Wednesday's! 

Witch Bottles, a Witchy Wednesday article

Bartmann jug. 

Back in 2021 The Pitt Rivers Museum did a live investigation into a real Witches bottle which I recently found on youtube. 

Unstoppering a 17th-Century 'Witch Bottle'

'Witch bottles' is the name given to 17th-century glass and stoneware vessels believed to have been used as the containers of a 'prepared cure' against bewitchment. Their contents most commonly include pins and nails, but sometimes nail clippings and hair from the afflicted individual. They have been found placed in hearths or beneath the floors of present-day historic buildings, churchyards, ditches and riverbanks or are recovered from archaeological sites.

Links to Witch Bottle articles. Some of these are a few years old but contain interesting information and images of different Witch Bottles made from glass, pottery and more modern materials!











Witchy Wednesday returns next week............

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