Tryal of Witches hath lain a long time in a private, a Witchy Wednesday article.


Images are from the 1838 book, source Internet Archive. 

Welcome to another Witchy Wednesday. This week we look at the 1838 copy of 'Tryal of Witches' 

Please visit the link below the excert to see the entire copy of this fabulous piece of English history on the Internet Archive website.

Excert from book written in original text.

This Tryal of Witches hath lain a long time in a private 

Gentleman's hands in the Country, it being given to him by 

the Person that took it in the Court for his own satisfaction ; 

but it came lately to my hands, and having perused it, I found 

it a very remarkable thing, and fit to be Publish' d ; especially 

in these times, wherein things of this nature are so much 

controverted, and that by persons of much Learning on both 

sides. I thought that so exact a Kelation of this Tryal would 

probably give more satisfaction to a great many persons, by 

reason that it is pure Matter of Fact, and that evidently 

Demonstrated ; than the Arguments and Reasons of other 

very Learned Men, that probably may not be so Intelligible 

to all Readers ; especially, this being held before a Judge, 

whom for his Integrity, Learning, and Law, hardly any Age, 

either before or since could parellel ; who not only took a 

great deal of paines, and spent much time in this Tryal 

himself; but had the Assistance and Opinion of several other 

very Eminent and Learned Persons : So that this being the 

most perfect Narrative of any thing of this Nature hitherto 

Extant, made me unwilling to deprive the World of the 

Benefit of it; which is the sole Motive that induced me to 

Publish it. 


London, 1682.

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