Autumn Equinox

The ever changing wheel has moved again and now we have arrived at the Autumn Equinox. 
Summer is officially over and now is the season of gorgeous coloured leaves, golden sunshine, beautiful sunsets, the emergence of glorious fungi and the differing hues of ripe berries. 
Autumn truly is a photographers paradise! 

The coming weeks will see the return of beautiful coloured leaves. 

The return of low golden sunshine and autumn leaves. 

 Please visit the Royal Museums Greenwich for a detailed article about the Autumn Equinox.

Please note I do not get paid to mention any links. The study of folklore and folk customs is a hobby of mine and when I find interesting information I like to share it here in my blog which is my electronic scrapbook. 

I am not a professional writer or an expert but I hope you enjoy my natterings and my blog inspires you to explore and learn more about folklore.  

Some website links listed may contain Adult material which may not be suitable for children so I would advise visiting them before showing or allowing access to younger viewers.

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