Creepy, strange and odd Victorian Christmas cards, Creepy Christmas a Witchy Wednesday article.


I have always had a fascination with cards, especially postcards. When I was a child I used to get very excited when a postcard would come through my letterbox addressed to me. One of my Mum's friends moved to Australia and receiving a card from somewhere so far away used to cause such excitement! To be honest this feeling hasn't change as an adult I still love happy post! Meaning getting post that are not bills!πŸ˜† Even now my Mum often pops a card in the post from her various adventures, sometimes she just posts a card because it's unusual or interesting. 

Thanks to modern world of the 'www' the world of cards and postcards are more accessible. There are many different sites online where you can view collections of rare historical museum pieces and others where you can purchase them ranging from a few coins to hundreds or thousands of pounds depending on age and rarity.

The themes also are as various as are their worth you can find cards based on modern themes such as movies, popstars and sarcastic memes, to more traditional holiday destination postcards such as Castles and beachside towns especially cheeky British postcards showing inappropriate larger ladies with naughty quotes! There are also cards to cover all seasons from Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas and many other more unusual holidays and events depending on where the card originated and who created it.  A lot of holiday destinations and Museums sold and some happily still do sell postcards as a souvenir. These postcards often show illustrations or photography of art, ancient monuments, or museum pieces, especially where photography is not allowed with on the back a snippet of information of object or scene and the seller.

Here are a few links that explain the history of British Postcards in more in-depth detail.

The best postcards, in my view, are the amazing and at times quite creepy Victorian postcards. The Victorians produced a fantastic array of postcards and often, especially by our modern eyes, depict a rather macarbe view on seasonal events! 

Here are an assortment of rather macarbe and strange Victorian Christmas cards which I found on Pinterest.

Be warned some are especially strange and Macarbe!

Warning..........,.......................... strange Victorian postcards 

More postcards coming soon including Witches, fairy folk and Krampus!

Thank you for visiting my blog. Please join me for another Witchy Wednesday next week. 


Please note I do not get paid to mention any links. The study of folklore and folk customs is a hobby of mine and when I find interesting information I like to share it here in my blog which is my electronic scrapbook. 

I am not a professional writer or an expert but I hope you enjoy my natterings and my blog inspires you to explore and learn more about folklore.  

Some website links listed may contain Adult material which may not be suitable for children so I would advise visiting them before showing or allowing access to younger viewers.


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