Happy New year, Witchy Wednesday's are back!.

Mother Carey and her Chickens! 

Happy new year to you all and welcome back to more Witchy Wednesday's! It will probably take me a few weeks to get back in the full swing of things again so I apologise if for the next few Wednesdays my articles are not as packed as normal but it is nice to be back and I am very much looking forward to spending another year sharing stories, links, art, information and the history of Witchcraft, Folklore and Cryptozology. 

To get you started here is a lovely article on Mother Carey and her chickens! As I often spend new years with a visit to the seaside it seemed appropriate to share an old folklore tail involving the sea!


Sheโ€™s the mother oโ€™ the wrecks, โ€˜nโ€™ the mother
Of all big winds as blows;
Sheโ€™s up to some deviltry or other
When it storms, or sleets, or snows;
The noise of the windโ€™s her screaminโ€™,
โ€˜Iโ€™m arter a plump, young, fine,
Brass-buttoned, beefy-ribbed young seamโ€™n
So as me โ€˜nโ€™ my mate kin dine.โ€™

Snippet of information.......

Mother Carey is a supernatural figure personifying the cruel and threatening sea in the imagination of 18th- and 19th-century English-speaking sailors. The entity was supposed to be a harbinger of storms and a similar character to Davy Jones (who may be her husband).

Snippet of Information from https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_Carey#


Please note I do not get paid to mention any links. The study of folklore and folk customs is a hobby of mine and when I find interesting information I like to share it here in my blog which is my electronic scrapbook. 

I am not a professional writer or an expert but I hope you enjoy my natterings and my blog inspires you to explore and learn more about folklore.  

Some website links listed may contain Adult material which may not be suitable for children so I would advise visiting them before showing or allowing access to younger viewers.


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