More Spring-heeled Jack! A Witchy Wednesday article.

The Return of Spring-heeled Jack! 

Welcome to another Witchy Wednesday and this week we return to see what that devilish rogue Spring-heeled Jack has been up to.

Real newspaper article from the Blandford and Wimborne Telegram - January Friday 30th 1885. 

A SPRING-HEELED JACK. For the last fortnight some excitement has been caused at Clewer, near Windsor, by the rumoured appearance of a " Spring-heeled Jack." Timid women an I children living in the district have been afraid to venture from their homes after dark in consequence of the pranks accredited to this mysterious individual. About two 'O' clock one morning a Windsor police-constable, while walking down Thames -street, was startled by some one springing on his back. He fell and rolled in the mud, and on rising attempted to secure his assailant, who proved to he a tall. athletic young man, about six feet high. The man escaped for the moment, hut after being chased up and down the streets of the town, was eventually captured. The delinquent remained in cu-truly for several bouts, when he was released after a caution by the magistrates. before whom he was taken. 

All images are from Internet Archive and in the public domain.

Thank you for visiting my blog, please join me again next week for another Witchy Wednesday article. 

Best wishes to you all, Kat ๐Ÿ˜Š

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